E. Jean Carroll gets justice over sadistic, psychopathic narcissist, Donald J. Trump
Better late than never
It's been a long time coming that this Grade-A asshole deluxe (that's a clinical diagnosis) gets it coming to him. $5 million in damages are awarded to brave E. Jean Caroll for sexual abuse and defamation. May this verdict move the needle in terms of our upcoming 2024 election that he never sees the Oval Office again. In many respects our upcoming presidential election will reveal just how far gone our American culture is in terms of embracing gross pathology. If he wins, we are swimming upstream against full-blown Cluster B mass psychosis.
Trump checks all of these boxes:
Check out his abject defiance against law and order and lack of respect for our institutions in this depraved 1 minute deposition montage I created for you:
Also, it bears repeating rape is about power, not lust.
I'll give the last word to E. Jean Caroll:
Well, after the CNN interview, we better put on our bathing suits, snorkels and flippers.